Work With Stephanie

Meet Your Coach: Stephanie Kaplan is a certified holistic health practitioner and Neurolinguistic Programming expert, specializing in neuroscience tools for subconscious reprogramming. With finely honed intuition, Stephanie can accurately identify the root causes of your patterns, helping to unblock and transform them, propelling you toward your true potential.

Stephanie has a profound understanding of the underlying brain and body mechanisms and the universal principles of reality transformation. From helping clients achieve unparalleled financial success to fostering deep, meaningful relationships, finding clarity, and even facilitating healing from illness or emotional wounds, Stephanie guides her clients on how to tap into the quantum field to transform their dreams into tangible realities.

Apply Below to Work Together or email

  • Science-Backed Guidance

    Discover pathways to personal growth with expert coaching, NLP techniques, and intuition to ensuring lasting change.

  • Self-Exploration

    Dive deep into self-discovery through embracing who you are at your core, becoming emotionally intelligent, and creating a life you are in control of.

  • Brain-Reprogramming Tools

    Learning to shift your perspective through hands-on tools to learn, grow, and align your actions with your goals.

Token Of Transformation

3 month commitment: 6 x 1 hour sessions, 2 x 30min check-ins

1:1 Advisory Program

Have you attended numerous workshops, read stacks of books, and even tried therapy, yet still feel like there's an invisible barrier to your progress?

Could it be that the real obstacle isn't your knowledge, but your perception of yourself?

Could it be you are running off of an old program and old subconscious narratives that are preventing you from springing into action?

Every moment you spend living beneath your potential is a moment wasted. Don't let fear, doubt, or old beliefs hold you back from living the life you were meant to live.

Invest in yourself—not just externally, but internally. Recognizing your own value is fundamental to enhancing your financial success, career growth, fulfillment, and relationships.

Your journey of transformation starts here. Contact us now to learn more and reserve your spot in the program.

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STEM Program for Founders

Custom package & timeframe

STEM - Shaping Transformational Entrepreneurial Mindsets

Are you a founder feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of your next steps?

Do you crave clarity, confidence, and balance in both your professional and personal life?

You're not alone. Many entrepreneurs face these challenges on their journey to success, but the good news is, there's a solution.

Stephanie has integrated powerful brain reprogramming tools, an in-depth understanding of the subconscious mind and nervous system, along with the keys to recognizing your own power and value.

This unique blend empowers you to magnetize success in your life and business, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth.

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The Drop-in Power Session

1 x 1 hour session

This is for you if:

  • You're seeking a focused, single session to address immediate blocks and challenges.
  • You're looking for intuitive insights and actionable guidance to address both emotional and physical causes for your health issues.
  • You're ready to release limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and patterns of scarcity that have been holding you back.
  • You feel like there are blocks holding you back, but you're struggling to uncover and overcome them on your own.
  • You're seeking to uncover beliefs that may be blocking your progress, using subconscious reprogramming and personal growth tools.
  • You're looking for someone to channel their intuitive abilities to uncover the deeper root emotional reasons behind the feelings or ailments you are experiencing.
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I specialize in guiding you through the process of rewiring your brain and elevating your mindset by using a unique blend of neuroscience and spiritual principles to help you manifest your dream life. I simplify complex ideas into simple steps, giving you actionable tools to shift quickly. I use my intuition to channel exact answers to uncover your deep rooted limiting beliefs, blocks, and subconscious patterns.